
What type of neuron is found in the brain and spinal cord
What type of neuron is found in the brain and spinal cord

what type of neuron is found in the brain and spinal cord

The midbrain (derived from the mesencephalon in the developing brain) serves as the vital connection point between the forebrain and the hindbrain. It contains the large outermost layer of the brain, the wrinkly cerebral cortex, and smaller structures towards its centre, such as the thalamus, hypothalamus, and the pineal gland.

what type of neuron is found in the brain and spinal cord

The largest of these three is the forebrain (derived from the prosencephalon in the developing brain).

what type of neuron is found in the brain and spinal cord

It is broadly organised into three main regions - the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. If the CNS is the processing centre of the human body, the brain is its headquarters. In the spinal cord, white matter is the external layer surrounding the grey core. In the brain, white matter is buried under the grey surface, carrying signals across different parts of the brain. Most axons are coated in myelin - a white, fatty insulating cover that helps nerve signals travel quickly and reliably.

what type of neuron is found in the brain and spinal cord

White matter refers to the areas of the CNS which host the majority of axons, the long cords that extend from neurons. In the brain, grey matter is mainly found in the outer layers, while in the spinal cord it forms the core ‘butterfly’ shape. Because of the abundant blood supply of this tissue, it’s actually more pink-coloured than grey. Grey matter comprises neuron cell bodies and their dendrites, glial cells, and capillaries. In terms of tissue, the CNS is divided into grey matter and white matter. A third form of protection is cerebrospinal fluid, which provides a buffer that limits impact between the brain and skull or between spinal cord and vertebrae. For further protection, the brain is encased within the hard bones of the skull, while the spinal cord is protected with the bony vertebrae of our backbones. Both of these are protected by three layers of membranes known as meninges. The CNS is the processing centre of the body and consists of the brain and the spinal cord. Broadly speaking, the nervous system is organised into two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Our bodies couldn’t operate without the nervous system - the complex network that coordinates our actions, reflexes, and sensations.

What type of neuron is found in the brain and spinal cord