Fixed a crash when a piston moved a cauldron.

You can again open your inventory while riding a pig/minecart/boat.You can again open your inventory while using touch while riding a tamed horse/donkey/mule.MCPE-18072 – Saddles, Chests, and Feeding do not work on Donkeys.MCPE-17590 – You cant feed a horse or heal.MCPE-17416 – Fishing bobbers are not cast in the direction you're facing.MCPE-17210 – the creeper are even exploding without him seeing you, and behind the blocks.MCPE-17194 – Leaves Have Incorrect Name.MCPE-17059 – The Wither uses spawn sound when dying.MCPE-16822 – Guardian's eye doesn't follow the player, and they glitch out.MCPE-17483 – Worlds can show to be able to hold up to 25 Players sorta.MCPE-17455 – Keyboard Bug on Minecraft Windows 10.MCPE-16138 – Minecraft always crashes if NVidia 3DVision is active.MCPE-15498 – The home screen doesn't instantly show correct skin/name after changing them.MCPE-14943 – Normal Zombie Doesn't Attack Villagers Anymore.MCPE-12563 – Cauldron filled only 1/3 full cannot fill an empty water bottle.